Management Consulting

As much as the business analyst performs the function of a “general practitioner,” the consulting services team is the “specialist” brought in to resolve the issues identified during the course of the analysis.
The consulting services team is comprised of some of the brightest management minds in business. They are familiar with the “psychology of management.” All have practical, hands-on business management experience. Nothing is left to theory.
The minimum requirements to qualify for employment as a business consultant is a college degree and 10 years of direct business experience in mid to upper level management positions. A significant number of our consultants have Masters and Doctorate degrees, and numerous professional certifications across multiple industries and disciplines. The cumulative experience of our staff measure in the thousands of years. They provide services to companies comprising 900+ SIC/NAICS codes, and possess the skills necessary to assist you in all aspects of your change process.
American Small Business Authority is a “full-service” consulting company — meaning that we maintain the expertise and diversification necessary to address all aspects of our client’s business. Our affiliate partnerships can also provide various services required by todays small businesses such as lending services, existing debt resolution/restructure services, tax negotiation and Bankruptcy screening. This differentiates American Small Business Authority from most consulting companies, who only maintain the capabilities to address very specific and precise issues or industries. This requires us to maintain a staff of highly “specialized” professionals across a diverse mix of industries and disciplines. We are proud to say there has never been an issue raised during the course of a client engagement where there wasn’t a consultant on staff that didn’t have prior experience in dealing with that issue.
Prior to the commencement of the consulting engagement, the business analyst determines the time required to accomplish the engagement objectives. The client is responsible for the hourly billing rate and the reasonable travel expenses related to the engagement. If additional time (beyond the hours determined by the business analyst) is required to complete the engagement objectives, the American Small Business Authority consultants will continue their work at no additional hourly billing charge until the engagement objectives have been addressed.